1.1 Loan Management
Fin Expert Inc. provide to its financial intermediary clients working, among other things, in the field of private loans (the « Lender(s) ») and businesses (the « Businesses »), seeking to finance their products or services, a loan management software called finX, property of Fin Expert Inc.
In order to serve you and offer you financing adapted to your situation, the Lenders or the Businesses collects your personal information and communicates them all to Fin Expert Inc. who use and upload them to finX software, for example: last name and first name, social insurance number, driver’s licence number, address, home and cell phone number, name of current employer, work address, profession, trade, classification, name(s) of previous employer(s), date of birth, language, gender, annual income, references, email address, court judgments, security interests or other guarantees published in public registers (land register, register of personal and movable real rights), bankruptcy or insolvency status, status of your residence (purchase or rental), family situation, bank account information, bank transactions, pay frequency, terms of the loan contracted with the Lender or the Businesses, debt status with other lenders, including but not limited to the amount granted, balance owing, repayment terms, number of defaults, if any, and other information necessary for the Lenders or the Businesses to grant you a loan you have applied for from them.
To do so, Fin Expert Inc. must obtain your consent for collecting and using your personally identifiable information, which the Act1 refers to as “ Personal Information. ”.
1.2. Kiipr
With your Personal Information that Fin Expert Inc. receive and upload in the finX software, it establishes a file on you, creating and communicating to the Lenders and Businesses credit reports concerning your solvency and your profile on indebtedness which contain the information listed in section 1.1., so that Lenders and Businesses can better assess their risk and offer you a loan adapted to your situation (the Kiipr » reports).
1Act Respecting the Protection of Personal Information in the Private Sector, RLRQ, c. P-39.1, Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, S.C. 2000, C. 5 or any other applicable law or regulation, depending on the relevant jurisdiction.
2. FEATURES and intended purposes
2.1. finX Software
The finX software relies on the collection, compilation and use of your Personal Information to generate forms, loan contracts and all other accessory documents that will allow the Lenders and Businesses to provide you with the loan service you requested, to track the progress of the loan in real time and to automate transactions that affect you.
2.2. Kiipr
The Kiipr reports rely on the collection, compilation and use of your Personal Information to generate a credit report, on a virtual and static medium each time the Lenders or Businesses make an online inquiry through the Kiipr service.
By giving your consent in accordance with this form, Fin Expert inc. will have access to your Personal Information that you shared with the Lender or the Business via its online platform, during the loan application that you requested with the Lender or the Business.
3. Confidentiality and security measures
Fin Expert Inc. is committed to protecting the confidentiality of this information by security safeguards. Therefore, your Personal Information will be subject to the following measures:
Your Personal Information will be stored in the operating system of Fin Expert Inc. which is required as a Personal Information agent registered with the Commission d’accès à l’information to ensure the confidentiality, retention and protection of all your Personal Information according to the terms of the policies that appear on its website.
The reports that Fin Expert Inc. may give to the persons identified in article 4 concerning you are not modifiable and can only be consulted in static mode.
Fin Expert Inc. will share your Personal Information with the Lenders or the Businesses who have made an inquiry through Kiipr and to any other person or entity for whom such communication is necessary to fulfill the purposes and the obligations under the loan you have requested from the Lender or the Business or for a third party to provide services to them (e.g., computer maintenance and support, secure data destruction, etc.).
In such cases, Fin Expert Inc. will enter into a contract with the third party to ensure that the appropriate security measures are put in place and maintained. The third party may eventually have access to your Personal Information, as well as identifying information, but only to the extent warranted by the execution of a mandate or contract.
In some cases, where required by law or competent authority, Fin Expert Inc. may be required to disclose your Personal Information.
Your Personal Information will be retained until the earliest of the following events occurs:
- The withdraw of your consent given in favor of Fin Expert Inc.; or
- Upon your request to close your file with Fin Expert Inc.
At that time, Fin Expert Inc. will securely destroy your Personal Information as soon as possible, including information that may have been accessed by third parties in the course of providing services.
6. Right of access and correction
You may request access to your Personal Information or request a correction.
You must send your request in writing to Jimmy Beauregard, President of Fin Expert Inc., at the following address:
Jimmy Beauregard
4, Place Ville-Marie, 2e et 3e étage
Montréal (Québec) H3B 2E7
Téléphone : 888-852-3364
Courriel : jimmy@finexpert.io
Fin Expert Inc. must respond to your request for access, correction or information within 30 days following receipt of the request.
I confirm that I have read this form and understand the information related to the collection, use and retention of my Personal Information by Fin Expert Inc.
I consent to the collection, use and retention of my Personal Information as mentioned in this form.